Photo Credit: Field Hockey 4U |
2. Each team is made up of 11 players, which includes one goalie.
3. You cannot be off-sides in field hockey.
4. You should never hold the stick cross-handed. Your left hand should always be above your right.
5. You can only hit the ball with the flat side of the stick, using the other side is considered dangerous.
6. Each game consists of two 35 minute halves with a five-minute break in between.
7. Players wear shin pads and gum shields for protection because the game uses a hard ball for play.
8. Each goal is only worth one point.
9. When a ball causes evasive action by players it is considered dangerous.
10. Unless it is a defender, players are not allowed to play any ball that is above shoulder height.
To learn about these rules and discover many more, visit the sites below.
By: Halle Sobczak