Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Learn the Lingo

Although field hockey has in fact gained traction and coverage in more recent years in the United States, the sport itself is still fairly new and pretty much unknown to a vast majority of the population. Many people have a general idea what the sport entails, a field, players with sticks and a ball; however, they lack the specific lingo to be able to fully keep up with a game. Learn some of the slang and lingo below:

Bully: following a stop in play, placing the ball on the ground between one player from each team to neutrally restart the play

Drawing: when either an offensive player tries to pull a defender out of position or the defender tries to pull an offensive player offside

The “D”: formed by the striking circle joining the goal line

Flick: raising a pushed ball off the ground

Hacking: a foul for stick interference

Jab: attempting to make the player in possession of the ball lose possession by poking at it

Pitch: the field

Reverse Sticks: turning a stick so the player is enabled to push the ball in the same direction

Upper V: the corners of the top of the goal

Watered-Down: soaking the turn which allows the surface to better “hold” the ball

If you are interested in getting in a more in-depth description of the lingo explained above, or if you are interested in learning about even more field hockey lingo check out the links below.

By: Halle Sobczak

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